Most people who work in an office building know how nice it is to have some natural light to offset the fluorescent glow of the interior lights. While having sunlight is nice and refreshing, there are a few drawbacks, including computer glare and damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays.
This is the main reason why many office buildings install window film, apart from the privacy benefits it offers as well.
UV radiation is natural energy produced by the sun. UV light has shorter wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum than visible light, so your eyes can’t see UV, but your skin can feel it. This is the main reason why UV is so dangerous because of the radiation properties it has. The damage goes unnoticed and happens every day. Two types of UV light are known to increase the risk for skin cancer: ultraviolet A (UVA), which has a longer wavelength, and ultraviolet B (UVB), which has a shorter wavelength.
Both UVA and UVB rays can cause sunburn and tanning, which damage the DNA in your skin cells and increase your risk for skin cancer. UVA rays also cause the negative symptoms of premature aging. This can include wrinkles or dark spots shown on your skin. Those UVA rays account for up to 95 percent of the UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. They bounce off reflective surfaces like water or metals, and most relevant during the workday, they can go through window glass. If you’re sitting next to a window on a sunny day, those UVA rays hitting your skin are doing damage to your body. UVB rays are mostly filtered out by window glass, so they are not as much of a concern.
Window film for UV-blocking benefits can bring more perks after installation. The midafternoon glare that can go through windows may diminish significantly, eliminating the need for window shades or blinds. Office temperatures are also noticeably cooler thanks to the film, preventing the afternoon sun from heating up an office. When the weather is cooler, the film reflects the heater’s warmth back into an office, rather than letting it escape out. This helps to regulate temperatures much easier, also saving on electric bills.
At The Skin Cancer Foundation office, sun protection is always the number one concern. There are many things you can do to create a sun-safe work environment. Try to find out if your building has UV-blocking window film in place, and if not, ask your HR department how to go about requesting it. If you’re interested in window film for your car, home or office, look for one that has earned The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Seal of Recommendation!