Statistics show that over 2 million smash and grab crimes occur in the U.S each year. A smash and grab is a form of burglary, where someone smashes a barrier to get inside, and they steal all of your valuables.
Interestingly enough, Cool Sunlight’s security window film can help prevent possible smash and grab crimes. The strong barrier the tint provides on your window creates a shatter-resistant surface, making it much harder to intrude.
So why do you need security films?
Avoid Potential Crime: Your glass windows are the most vulnerable part of your home or office. Being able to smash into your personal space is too easy for criminals. But adding window film can help prevent potential burglars and help you keep all of your belongings.
Protection against Storms: Not only can it protect from burglary, but severe weather as well. The film gives the glass an extra layer of protection which will reduce a shatter from high winds.
Improve the Safety: There are many accidents that can occur when being around glass besides weather and crime. Adding that extra layer can ultimately help protect from trees falling, kids playing, and much more.
Install Window Film
There are only benefits when it comes to installing window films. Contact Cool Sunlight to add security window film to your home or office.