Window films are a great way to upgrade your home, and they come with many benefits that you may not have thought of.
Energy Efficiency.
Summer heat can become unbearable, causing us to crank up that A/C in order to keep our homes cool and comfortable. Window films can cut up to 70% of the heat coming into your home, allowing you to use your A/C less while still enjoying a cool environment.
UV Protection.
We were all raised to wear sunscreen when we spend time outside to protect our skin against the sun. However, many don’t realize that the same UV rays you protect yourself from can also come into your home through your windows. Even further, not only do these rays damage your skin but they also damage your interior furnishings. Window films can block 99% of the UV rays coming through your windows without hindering your view, protecting you and your belongings.
Glare Reduction.
Sunlight can be a unique and welcoming aspect to your home, until it causes glare on your electronic screens or shines right in your eyes. Window film can cut the glare while reducing the bright light that can make the room uncomfortable, without needing to cover your window with drapes.
Safety and Security.
Security window film strengthens your windows and adheres them to the frame, giving you a stronger and more secure window. This deters robbers from smash and grab break-ins, and prevents potential injuries from shattered glass in the case of a natural disaster.
Window films are an amazing way to enhance your home, but they are only as good as their installation. Thankfully, we are here to help! We can professionally install your window film, ensuring high quality results with all of the benefits listed. Contact us today for more information.