When looking to upgrade your windows with window film, it can be tricky to find the right provider and window film installer near you. Here are a few of the factors you should take into consideration when looking to hire someone for the job:
Who is Their Window Film Manufacturer
It is essential to ask who provides their window film. If they either don’t want to respond or cannot answer clearly, it’s best to leave and not turn back. If they cannot answer, that typically means that they are constantly switching films or using a lower quality film.
Find out Warranty Details
All of the major film manufacturers have warranties specific to the films. These warranties detail what is covered and come with contact information to find the installer. Companies that won’t give out a warranty will typically have a lifetime warranty offer. They will likely honor this if you can prove that they were the ones to provide the service. However, there is no guarantee that they will replace your window film with what you initially purchased. Therefore, it’s best to get a warranty card issued and keep it with the original receipt to cover all bases.
Check Their Credentials
It’s essential to determine what qualifies this company to give you the best possible outcome. How long have they been professionally installing window film? Are they a small business in their garage or a specializing industry? Find out what the environment for their installation is like. If it is outside in the elements and not in a controlled environment, then the results will not be the high quality you are paying for.
At Energy Control Consultants, we believe in transparency and consistently high quality results. If you would like to take the next step towards upgrading your windows, contact us today for more information.