Residential Night Vision Window Films
These night vision window film treatments come in a wide variety of styles and applications. The 3M™ Window Films offer the best solution to your window treatment to keep out harmful rays, keep in warm air in the winter, keep out warm air in the summer, reduce daytime glare, and still allow natural light into the room while at the same time allowing clear vision out at night.
This night vision window film will allow up to 35% of the natural light from outside to penetrate the window. During the hot sunny summer days, this film helps to block up to 71% of the suns damaging UV rays and visible light. Although this window cover is a darker shaded film, it is still transparent enough to allow clear sight outside at night. This film on the window not only lets you lookout, but also is dark enough to shade the window from the outside, making it harder for others to see into the dwelling. This assures that your nighttime life stays private from your neighbors, while still allowing to see out easily without glare.
The long standing and trusted 3M™ Company produces these night vision window film treatments. 3M™ backs all treatments by a limited-lifetime warranty when you have your shades professionally installed by a technician. Top-notch service delivered by a longstanding well-trusted company.