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Daylighting Redirecting Films

Micro-replication Technology

The Micro-replication Technology of Daylight Redirecting Film is brand new to the world of 3M™. This new technology uses micro-replication to redirect light that would have normally come through the window and just hit the floor, computer screens or you square in the eyes. It redirects the sun light up onto the ceiling, helping to the light room and not your computer screen. These daylight redirecting films can redirect the light as deep as 40 feet from the window itself. The “micro-replication” technology refers to microscopic structures that are able to redirect up to 80 percent of the light. This provides light in the space by using the natural sunlight, instead of utilizing electrical lighting elements. By using daylight in a space, studies have shown to increase productivity and purchasing behavior, and helping to reduce your dependence on electric lighting.

Daylighting Redirecting Film
  • Redirect natural light up to 40 feet deeper into your building, at a fraction of
    the cost of light shelves
  • Reduce your dependence on artificial lighting, and provide more natural light which has been linked to increase productivity, purchase behavior and patient recovery time
  • When combined with lighting controls, reduce your lighting energy usage by
    as much as 52% from your baseline

Learn more about the full line of Daylighting Redirecting Films.
Take CEU courses about 3M™ Daylight Redirecting Film here.

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