10 Reasons to Get Your Home Windows Tinted

March 16, 2022 By:
10 Reasons to Get Your Home Windows Tinted
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Window film can make your home more efficient, secure, and comfortable. It is a simple way to really improve your home windows. Want to know more? We have 10 reasons why!


  1. Privacy

If you’re uncomfortable when people investigate your home, window film will satisfy your privacy needs.


  1. Security

Security window films prevent outside intruders from looking into your home while also giving the glass on the window a studier hold. Window film is an extra way to feel safe in your home.


  1. Glare Reduction

Nothing is worse than the glare from the sun. Installing window film is similar to putting on sunglasses!


  1. UV Light Protection

Window film can protect your eyes and skin from UVs from the sun. Window film lets you have it all, natural light, and protection for you.


  1. Protection from Sun Damage

Did you know that the sunlight can ruin your furnishings? In fact, the sun’s UV light makes carpet, hardwood, countertops, and other furnishings fade. Protect your belongings with window film.


  1. Preventative Overheating

On a sunny, hot day, the sunlight can raise indoor temperatures tremendously. Window film can keep the indoors cool and prevent overheating in your home.


  1. Reduce Energy Consumption

The more power you consume, the more bills you must pay. Installing window film can reduce your energy consumption.


  1. Save Money

With reducing energy consumption comes lower energy bills! Not only will it protect indoor temperatures but the tarnishing of furniture too.

Cool Sunlight can add window film to your home windows quickly and effectively. For a quote, contact us today.